Unconventional Executive Coaching

Coaching services for those ready to change the face of corporate leadership.

Soulful Leadership Coaching for Women
One-to-One Coaching Programmes

One-to-One Coaching Programme

“I only wish I’d reached out earlier.”

"Working with Victoria has genuinely transformed the way I consider the impact I can have in the work place. [It] has given me the confidence and clarity to transition to my next work chapter."


When you and I commit to working together, we step into a ‘sacred space’.

We enter into a partnership; one that is focused on supporting you to dream big, connect deeply to yourself, clear out unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving, uncover new choices and build the capacity to create permanent change in your life and career.

This is for you if you are ready to invest time, money and energy into your own transformation.

A 1-2-1 programme with me is an immersive experience - like having a constant cheerleader at your side who believes unconditionally in your brilliance, and is invested in your growth.

It can be, quite literally, life changing.

A typical one-to-one coaching experience includes:

  • Zoom calls every two weeks. I don’t clock-watch; the sessions tend to last approx 75 minutes. We’ll be guided by our energy levels.

  • In-between sessions, you’ll have self-reflection exercises to continue your exploration, and action points that I’ll hold you accountable to.

  • Online surveys to get really clear on the impact of our work together.

  • Unlimited access to email and Whatsapp coaching with me if agreed (Mon-Wed & Fri, 8.30am-5.30pm GMT).

  • A private Google Drive where I’ll share resources relevant to what we’re working on together - videos, PDFs, book and podcast suggestions etc.

  • Lifetime access to my self-guided course introducing the fundamentals of intuition, Follow Your Intuition & Transform Your Decisions.

NB - each partnership is unique. We'll discuss exactly what YOU need, when we initially connect.

Your Investment

Each coaching partnership is unique. In our free intro call we will discuss the transformation you want to create in your life & leadership, and what our coaching partnership needs to look like in order to facilitate this. I’ll make a suggestion of what level of support I think is most appropriate for you, and we’ll go from there!

I operate two ‘rate cards’, depending on if you are self-funding or being funded by your company. Typically, about 40% of my clients self-fund and 60% are funded by their organisation. Below are some example partnerships, to give you an idea of investment levels. All prices include VAT.

3 Month Partnership inc ongoing What’s App support in-between sessions (self-funded): £2520

6 Month Partnership inc ongoing What’s App support in-between sessions (self-funded): £5040

3 Month Partnership inc ongoing What’s App support in-between sessions (org-funded): £3600

6 Month Partnership inc ongoing What’s App support in-between sessions (org-funded): £7200

Corporate Workshops

“I always come away from your workshops feeling better than I went in.

Thank you for your partnership and for the wonderful work that you do.”


In today’s world, the capacity to trust ourselves and make bold decisions is an essential leadership skill. We are overwhelmed by information, choice and uncertainty. Many of us also tend to look externally for a blueprint of how to live and work, rather than looking inwards to our own experience for guidance.

I partner with innovative, people-centred organisations of all sizes to enable leaders to be the most effective and alive version of themselves, without burning out. My product offering includes powerful and practical workshops such as ‘Leader as Coach’, ‘Setting & Maintaining Boundaries', 'Managing Stress' and 'Making Good Decisions'.

I'm continually curious to help businesses find new ways of connecting wellbeing and performance, so get in touch to discuss your organisation's needs.

Corporate Workshops

Coaching With Tarot

Group Programme: Coaching With Tarot

“This course exceeded all expectations”

“My knowledge of tarot was so sparse before and now I feel that I can use it confidently as a positive and supportive tool in my life."


Coaching with Tarot, a completely unique 5-week group programme, will combine deep coaching expertise with the magic of the Tarot for a transformative experience.

I’ve been using tarot cards in my coaching practice since 2017. The 78-cards of a tarot deck are a ‘map of human experience’, covering the Big Themes (love, power, creativity, change, spirituality etc) through to everyday events (balancing work and family, taking on too many projects, the joy of hanging out with friends etc). 

Because the experiences represented by the cards are universally human ones, they help us connect with our subconscious and reveal information to us that we have been ignoring or unable to see. 

Therefore, they are a powerful tool to coach yourself, and others, through challenges and opportunities in career, relationships, family life and beyond. 


Coaching techniques to support your growth

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Whole-Body Coaching

Humans hold intelligence throughout their whole body-mind, not just in the 'rational' brain. Together, we'll access all that intelligence, to deepen your understanding of yourself.



Confidence comes from trusting your inner voice above the external noise. We'll use a range of techniques, including tarot, to turn up the volume on your intuition, giving you an anchor in a distracted world.

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Intellectual Challenge

I am fascinated by the disciplines of psychology, neuroscience, decision-making and spirituality. We'll bring ideas from all these areas into our work to create lasting change for your life and career.

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Our Relationship

The relationship that develops between us holds a wealth of information for you. We'll pay close attention to this, to help you build relationships that work for you in your personal and work life.

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Systemic Coaching

We belong to many systems - family, team, society etc. Understanding how we behave in those systems, and revealing the 'hidden dynamics' of the system, can transform challenging situations.



Ready to invest in a new relationship with yourself, your life and career? I’d love to hear your story.
