About Victoria Smith-Murphy | Conscious Leadership Coaching

Executive Coach & Facilitator

About Victoria Smith-Murphy 

About Victoria Smith-Murphy 
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The curiosity that drives me is this: “how do we make space for the sacred in corporate life?”


But it CERTAINLY wasn’t always like that.


During my decade-long career in the corporate world, I was known for my flaming red energy.

I thought it was the way to get the life and career I wanted. I valued my masculine energies of drive, action, logic; and was completely disconnected from my feminine energies of stillness, intuition, wisdom.

Then, when I was 28, I was diagnosed with premature menopause. For the first time in my adult life, I was faced with something entirely out of my control. No force of will or logic would kick-start my ovaries. For someone who was used to creating their own success, this was HUGELY uncomfortable.

But letting go of outcomes, and trusting that whatever is meant for me will not pass me by, is one of the biggest lessons I have learnt in my life so far. And it has allowed experiences and opportunities I could never have dreamed of, to flow towards me.


Then, in 2015, through working with my first coach, it dawned on me that the company I worked for had become my anchor. The constant presence that I depended on through life’s ups and downs. And I no longer wanted a corporate organisation to be my anchor. I wanted to be my OWN anchor. Because as long as your identity is dependent on something external to yourself, it’s always fragile.

So I left the world of data marketing (which still has a special place in my heart) and set up my own business, retraining as a coach. The work I do and my belief in myself has evolved over time, strengthened by every teacher I train with and every client I work with. Today, I partner with senior leaders and leadership teams who seek to thrive in business whilst honouring personal values, inner authority and collective responsibility.


“…Letting go of outcomes, and trusting that whatever is meant for me will not pass me by, is one of the biggest lessons I have learnt in my life so far.”


I am not ‘finished’. No-one is.

I have regular periods of feeling lost and comparing myself to others. But that's life - progress, not perfection. And the single most powerful tool I’ve sharpened over the last five years is my intuition. As Einstein said (I LOVE a good quote), “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift”.

How about you? Are you ready to listen to your own inner voice above the external noise? If so, let’s talk.


 “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don't let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”



My philosophy on coaching

  • I am a qualified and ICF-accredited (PCC) coach with >3000 hours professional experience. I have trained at leading schools including Animas Centre for Coaching, The Whole Partnership, The Somatic School, Coaches Rising and The Team Coaching Studio. My coaching is deep, powerful and confident.

  • Coaching is a partnership; two people working together in the service of the client’s personal and professional growth.

  • Awareness builds choice, practice builds capacity. Coaching will deepen your awareness of the choices available to you - new behaviours, new mindsets, new lifestyles - that will bring you joy and fulfilment. We then co-create practices to allow these new choices to become second nature.

  • My particular areas of interest are transpersonal coaching (inviting in the whole spectrum of human experience - body, mind, heart, soul, spirit), systemic coaching (understanding our experience as embedded within a system), and intuition as a source of personal wisdom.

  • I swear a lot, laugh at my own jokes, and am deeply invested in the growth of every person I work with.

  • I am also the co-founder of a leadership development consultancy, Leading Deeply.

  • It’s important to me that I create coaching spaces that are safe and inclusive for everyone, respecting all genders, races and experiences. I am actively involved in personal anti-racist work, and am open to sharing this.



 My Core Values






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“I’ve turned a corner on what success and failure mean to me”

“Victoria has helped me shave years off the time it will take to reach my dreams in only 3 months. I’ve turned a corner on what success and failure mean to me, and been able to get out from under the self-criticism I was heaping on top of myself. With my mind and heart synced, I can’t stop coming up with new product ideas to build for my business!”




A few of my favourite things 

  • Cities. The noise, the confusion, the life, the beauty. It was always my dream to live in London, Paris and New York before the age of 30, and I did.

  • Exploring the world with my husband, Scott, and our little boy, Hudson.

  • Reading. I devour books, literally inhale them.

  • Podcasts. I’m particularly obsessed with UK and US politics (not always healthy), psychospiritual exploration podcasts, and My Therapist Ghosted Me 🤷‍♀️

  • Tarot. When I’m slinging cards, my whole being focuses on the story I’m seeing. Pure flow.

  • Being outdoors. Forests, beaches, parks…doesn’t matter.


Ready to invest in your future and reconnect with who you truly are?